“The one thing that separates good artists from great artists is work ethic. Marion not only has the work ethic but she has shown consistency in her work ethic. Very rare to find these days. People will say they are serious about the work, she actually shows it.”
(Rick Barker Founder of The Music Industry Blueprint / Former manager to Taylor Swift)

How do they make it possible? This Marion Fiedler and her band? Is it Rock? Is it Jazz? Is it Pop? Is it Brecht/Weill? It is everything, but not just one thing. In the moment when you think you have grasped the impression … it´s sliding away again, into an abstract and very own way of making music. For a moment they try to pass as pretty normal good songs… but rhythms, melodies, harmonies cavort in the most wondrous legerdemains. Maybe they want to make fun of our listening habits. And just as unfathomable as the music is the leading character, Marion Fiedler. Just like she belongs on this stage she baffles everyone to the utmost, bewilders us like a witch. How lovely! There´s just one secret to be uncovered: what about that band that brings on this wonderful mixture of alchamical awesomeness? If witches exist, magicians can´t be far. This all is getting better and better! Peter Limbach, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Newspaper of Cologne)

“Marion Fiedler is the voice of the new pop jazz generation. On ROLLING ON she presents many modern inspired, wonderful pop jazz songs with Nashville flavor. A very beautiful album!”
(Frank Wilkat, Pop Jazz Radio / International Pop Jazz Charts)

“Your concert was phenomenal!” (Rosi Lang, Popkultur Köln, Chief Executive)

„Marion Fiedler has a lovely voice and personal expression, positive energy and a strong will and drive. I enjoy her way of singing the ballad.
Marion – keep searching, creating and singing! The music will take you around the world!” (Silje Nergaard, jazz singer)

“Marion, YES! Keep writing like this! Let it flow!” (Al Jarreau)

“Attention! This music gets you addicted within seconds!” (Görlitzer Anzeiger)

Marion Fiedler and her five musicians were loved by the audience for elaborate arrangements and her versatile voice which she knows how to work on stage. (JB /Music presenter at Band Competition “Sound Of Dresden 2014”)

Hey Marion – Manchester salutes you! Your music drowns me in tears, your message to everyone is so inspiring. I love your music so much it makes me wish for artists like you to come together for a peace-loving concert to end this hatred in this world. (John Woods, supporter, UK)

“My fellow Diva!” (Ann Hampton Callaway)

Exhilarating, cheerful.  (Sächsische Zeitung)

“I like the idea!”
 Nils Landgren about Marion´s projekt “Can I Ride in Your Backpack?”

“Marion Fiedler touches and captivates the listener by simultaneously creating closeness and powerful intensity. During the calm and intimate passages you feel like joining her in her discoveries, yet when she sings full force you are not being shouted at, instead, you experience the energy of the cultivated delivery of her message. Marion Fiedler is presented on a silver platter by her talented producer Johannes Gerstengarbe. Bravo!” (Christian von Kaphengst)

“A passionate and dedicated singer and composer whose heart is in the right place.” (Kilian Forster, Klazz Brothers)

“The first time I noticed Marion Fiedler was when she performed at the jazz festival “Women in Jazz” in Halle, where she participated in a workshop for composers as a scholarship student. I was fascinated by that young and talented singer with her charismatic voice who knows how to convince the audience with authenticity and heartfelt passion. She writes all of her songs herself – easygoing, catchy music with meaning and depth. I enjoy presenting her pieces in my radio show “Jazz Lounge”. Marion Fiedler has it all:  she has what a jazz singer, commposer and bandleader needs in order to launch a successful career. For this I wish her all the best.” (Matthias Brückner, MDR FIGARO, Redaktion Jazz – Sendung Jazzlounge)

“Marion’s voice is like a bubbling spring, a rush of clear rivulets. Though sometimes losing its way in rocky and cavernous terrain, it follows its own path to surface once more jubilantly to please and refresh!” (Janis Deyda – longtime voice coach)

“I’ve been watching Marion since her high-school days when I first heard her sing at a festival. Already then I was struck by her captivating empathy and her impressive sovereignty. Marion Fiedler is diligently following her own path. She masters the rare art of “vocalese”. Her voice dives into her arrangements as if it is just another instrument, she doubles the parts and melts into a musical unity with her band. This is a gift which, far from the mainstream and the music business in general adds something special to the beauty of the lyrics and the compositions of her emotionally striking songs: class, sensitivity, and the unmistakable handwriting of the artist. However, it isn’t merely the quality of her vocal art  that has me rooting for this young singer: Marion Fiedler is authentic,  honest, and believable! ” (Adina Rieckmann, journalist for MDR and ZEIT, media coach)

“I hardly know any other musician who follows her path as consequently as Marion Fiedler does. For one, Marion is a fantastic singer and songwriter, as her new album “ROLLING ON” shows impressively. Also, she understands how to create a bond to her listeners and communicates in her own way with them on a daily basis. I see that it is not easier for her than for other artists. Moreover she shows up, uses modern music marketing tools every day and develops her own communication this way.” (Marc Antonius Dominick, Artist Developer and CEO at SPREAD YOUR TALENT)

“The day is blue, but a song from you
brings out the light, and everything seems just right”
Michael Larrivee (Creative Writer)

Marion creates not just great songs but classic music. She is a talented singer/songwriter who possesses endless creative ability. She writes brilliantly crafted songs like “Forever-Kind-Of-Love” and “Unapologetical”, which she performs with passion. Marion also does cover songs like “Road Less Traveled” by Lauren Alaina and “Treat You Better” by Shawn Mendes, but she presents these songs with her own twist that makes each cover her own moment. Marion is part jazz, part pop, but shares her very talented soul beyond genre. More importantly, messages like peace and love and respect among people matter to her, and every listener feels appreciated and drawn into her world – online as well when attending one of her shows. Thus I recommend to check her on social media (Twitter, Facebook) and subscribe to her Youtube channel to hear more new songs and performances of this wonderful singer. Join her growing community of music lovers that have experienced the joy of her music! Paul Poling (Music Manager / Promoter / Journalist)